Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Our gardens are 'abuzz' every morning in the Spring,
 Summer, and early Fall.

You can hear the many visitors at work and we love to get them in photos. Here are some of our visitors. The videos of the hummingbirds are few because well... their wings move 10 to 15 times a SECOND and they are FAST!!! We usually get them at the feeder where they are 'at rest' getting a sip! In the early Spring, they chase each other out of the feeders often. Wait for it... hehe!

                        Pro tip: You may have to double click the videos! :) 


                  'The Bee Assist' Do bees help flowers open?                                                    They do! (Apparently!) 

 The bees are so interesting. They are incredibly talented and to say we are bragging about our bees would be true! We are bragging! We love the visitors and we have many! Bees, butterflies, beneficial wasps, birds, and the 'others' are one of the vital reasons we grow. We are so happy to be able to share our joy with you. 

Not as clear as we would like but we love this photo because of the light from the throat of the Morning Glory shining off his fur. Like he is at the theater enjoying the show! The best seat in the house! 

This guy!!! Woodpeckers get thirsty too! 

There is a joke in here about a bee seeing his shadow and running scared into the hole but we haven't found it yet. Haha! To err on the side of caution we are just calling it, 6 more weeks of Spring! 

He comes out of the aging flower and grabs the bottom of the petal with his leg to change direction! Watch the video!

This little peeper had an injury. He was there for the mosquitoes. 
Our pal, 'Anthony Hopkins',  did a good job and fared well all season! :) 

So many beauties! 

A butterfly on a Butterfly Bush! What are the chances??? This beauty is a Monarch! 

We will post more throughout the growing Seasons of New York in 2021! 

We hope you find many visitors in your gardens this year! 

(Just going to leave this right here:
 We love when people share our photos but please know they are protected. Unfortunately, people are using them to sell fake seeds. :'( If you do this, we will be coming to call. Please do not do that. Use them to bring other people joy! Its the best use of any photo!)